BUmped App launch


Bumped—a loyalty program that rewards users in stock—was launching.
Loyalty programs are familiar to most people, which means Bumped had certain expectations that it needed to meet with new users.
However, learning about investment accounts and applying to open one can be hard, especially for first-time investors.



• My role: Senior Content Strategist
• Cross-functional team: Product Design, Marketing, Engineering, Dev

The plan

An onboarding experience that ushers new users onto the app, and keeps them interested and excited during identity verification.


MVP Launch

For the launch of Bumped, our content strategy focused on:

• One unified voice between email and UX

• Simple, conversational language

• Educational touchpoints

• Simple CTAs with clear action


Brokerage application

email, modal and CTA

New users are required to sign up for a brokerage account, which requires identification verification, and can result in a days-long delay before users can use Bumped. To allay frustration, an email and in-app modal explained the process.

I focused on providing a seamless flow from email to app, and provided users with clear call-to-action buttons, and simple, accessible language. Following are examples of the identity verification email sent to new users, and the modal surfaced after the user submits their personal identification information to Bumped.


onboarding user workflow

email, toast, modal and cta

Once identity verification is complete and a user’s brokerage account is active, we initiated an onboarding workflow.

To educate users about the Stock Marketplace—a place where they can shop with their favorite brands and earn fractional shares of stock—I created the following touchpoints:

  • Triggered emails that explain how to earn rewards, and provide a clear CTA that reflects in-app language

  • A welcome toast in the app for first-time users

  • A modal for each Stock Marketplace retailer that clarifies loyalty offers (and surfaces fine print)


The results

The Bumped MVP was successfully rolled out, initially to a cohort of 3000 MVP users, followed by an additional 5000 users 30 days later.


14% increase in successful brokerage account applications (compared with earlier rollout)

29% of new users shopped on the Stock Marketplace in their first 7 days using the app